Keith Rubow's Square Dance Papers

The following are some papers I wrote to explain some of the more esoteric challenge square dance concepts. Your comments are welcome!
Paper Description
parallel.pdf A method of surviving the more difficult applications of the Parallelogram and Offset Lines/Columns concepts. A method is presented for remembering and restoring the offset. Combinations of Parallelogram with other Phantom concepts are described. Things can get really interesting!
divide.pdf Single Divide the Ocean/Sea. A discussion of what it really means. The dancers are all cheeses, but where are the phantoms?
Offset Triple Boxes/Lines/Columns Offset Triple formations are an extension of Parallelograms and Offset Lines/Columns. I show how to work to "footprints" without taking the offset out.

The following papers (in PDF format) are from my regular Keith's Klass feature in the Pacesetter newsletter, or from the Zip Coder. They feature different calls and concepts from all levels of challenge dancing. I will be adding a new one every few months.

Centers Centers as a concept and as a designator
Cross and Wheel (part 1) With the modifiers for Grand/Single/Trade there are 7 varieties of this call (why not 8?).
Cross and Wheel (part 2) A look at the Grand Single versions and a really ugly single version.
Cross the K/<anything> the K Cross the K/<anything> the K from some interesting formations
Drift Apart Drift Apart, a look at traffic patterns and who can roll
Pitch Pitch is a very interesting call because of its <direction>/<call> options
Rotate/Single Rotate Rotates confuse many dancers because of all the line/column/single/split rules
Twist the Line/Twist and <anything> Twist the Line and square breathing
Hubs/Rims Trade Back Concepts and unusual formations can make this call very interesting
Quick Step/Quick <anything> Breathing rules can make this call very interesting
Good Show Good Show can be done from many different starting formations
Release <anything> Interesting breathing rules, and this call can be used as a concept!
Exchange the Triangles There are many variations, because there are many kinds of triangles.
Vertical Tag/Vertical <anything> Watch out for Vertical with phantoms. Vertical works well with the Single File concept.
Checkerboard/Checkerbox <anything> There are rules to follow when adjusting into and out of the center 4 spots.
Magic Line/Wave concept Some calls are harder than others!
Magic Columns concept Traffic patterns are very important
Triple Lines Working This can be a difficult concept with shape changers!
Cast Back/Cross Cast Back This call does not follow the usual rules of square breathing.
Peel the Top This can be interesting from some starting formations.
Disconnected A simple concept, until you consider shape changers.
Explode the Diamond It really has very little to do with diamonds.
<anyone> <cross> Kickoff That "<anyone> designator can make for some interesting possibilities!
Locker's Choice Some variations of this call can be very interesting.
Jay concept Jay naming conventions. Jay shape changers, and some very unusual Jays.
Explode(the line)/Reverse Explode Converts line to box, but interesting from some starting formations.
Trade the Deucey A surprisingly versatile call (which is not the same as Acey Deucey and Spread).
Polly Wally Don't cheat this call or you might get it wrong with some concepts.
Sets In Motion This call can start and end in different formations. Breathing is very important!
Triangle (working as a box) Concept How to adjust at the end, and what to do with the phantom can be tricky.
Linear Cycle A three part call with a four part mantra, and some surprises too.
Z Concept It's just a box of four, but it can be tricky.
Drop <direction> There are lots of starting formations and <direction>s for this call.
The Action This call was taught at all levels A2-C3 at AACE 2009. It is an easy call that finishes just like Chain Reaction.
Nested Concepts When there is more than one concept on a call, the order of the concepts can really make a difference.
All 4 Couples When there are two boxes on top of each other (sort of), be carefull how you adjust.
Chain Reaction Learn Chain Reaction right the first time, and the harder Chain Reactions will be much easier later on.
Ends Bend Who would have thought that this seemingly simple call could be so interesting when done from some unusual formations?
Cast A Shadow This call is easy, as long as the ends finish as ends of lines. Big adjustments can be necessary.
Reduce The Matrix This is not a call, but a way to survive concepts such as As Couples, Tandem and Siamese (among others).
Circle By Circle By <fraction> by <anything> can be intersting. You may need to reevaluate your working group.
Step And Flip Step and Flip can have some intersting square breathing.
Circulate Circulate is the most difficult call in square dancing, not to mention the dreaded 1/2 Circulate.
Remake Remake can be done from lots of starting formations. Watch the handedness rules.
Percolate Percolate is a simple call, but watch out for that 1/2 circulate from unusual starting formations.
6x2 Acey Deucey When the outer 6 circulate, they muxt be sure to turn the correct amount.
Little This simple call can be tricky. There are lots of starting formations. There is a lot to a little!
Alter the Wave This call can be interesting from some starting formations, or when it is modified.
Crossfire Crossfire can be simple, but it can also be done in surprising ways. It can even be controversial.
Grand Square Grand Square is such a simple call, until it starts from some unexpected formations.
1/4 In, 1/4 Out This call is easy, once you find your reference point. But finding your reference point may not always be so easy.
Motivate It gets interesting from some starting formations, or when finishing the call.
Linear Action Watch out for the hinge, and the trade and the cast off 3/4. They are not always normal.
Recycle There are many kinds of recycles. Do you know which one to do?
Regroup It doesn't have to be a plain vanilla call.
Cross Over Circulate From lines, columns, T-Bones, thars, oh my!
Square Chain Thru It can be danced from lots of different starting formations.
Ignore <anyone> Happiness is being ignored. Everyone else needs to figure out what to do.
Pass and Roll You must use the proper definition, because this call can be fractionalized.
Horseshoe Turn Horseshoe turn can be done from some interesting formations, some you may have never seen.
T-Bones A lot of calls can be done for T-Bone formations, and it can get pretty interesting.
Counter Rotate I never knew walking around the flagpole could be so hard.
Swing the Fractions Just a bunch af arm turns, but be careful when (or if) you are involved).
Mini Busy It can become very strange when the starting formation is not two faced lines.
Recording with a smartphone No this is not a new call. It is an article on how to record a dance to MP3 files using an Android smartphone.
Transfer and <anything> If it doesn't start in a right or left hand column it can get interesting.